Winners of the world’s largest homebrew competition were recognized for the most outstanding homemade beer, mead, and cider during a ceremony livestream on June 9th.
Our Seven City Barrel Brewers placed 3rd in Category 42 Wood Aged Beers out of 144 entries with their Wee Heavy Wood Aged Ale. The base beer style is 17C Wee Heavy, also known as a “Strong Scotch Ale”.
This beer was a collaboration of 11-barrel brewers and a freshly emptied Buffalo Trace Bourbon Barrel. The Wee Heavy was wood aged in the barrel for 4 months.
The bourbon barrel was filled on November 13th, 2019, and the barrel was emptied on March 7th, 2020. The batch OG was 1.111 and the FG was 1.024. The batch ABV was calculated to be about 12.8% and did not include the alcohol added by the bourbon barrel.
Beer hoarder Jason Erfle is the only know barrel brewer that still has a full keg of the Wee Heavy V 1.0.
This beer is a one of a kind, you will never get the same blend of beer shares, the same bourbon barrel taste, and the same wood aging as the Wee Heavy V 1.0, but we will never stop trying to make it better.
Our Wee Heavy Seven City Barrel Brewers were Kyle Alexander, Rafael Corredor, Bob Buerger, Brian McCrickard, Jason Erfle, Julian Durden, John Wallace, Dempsey Smith, James Strane, Joshua Corl, and Tim Woodard.