was limited to 97 entries and was held on Saturday, May 15, 2021, at the St. George Brewing Company, Hampton Virginia.
The Virginia Beer Blitz was a BJCP/AHA Sanctioned Competition and was conducted using the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines. There were 735 registered participants, judges, and stewards.
Seven City Brewers Who Placed:
English Beer
2nd place Brian McCrickard out of 5 entries with his Mad Irishman Style 15A Irish Red Ale.
3rd place Sam Asbell out of 5 entries with his Bitter Patter Let’s Get At’er Style 11C: Strong Bitter.
1st place Patrick Smith out of 7 entries with his Tsar Style 20C: Imperial Stout.
Strong Beer
2nd place Sam Asbell out of 8 entries with his Window Kicker Style 9C: Baltic Porter.
American Dark Beer
2nd place Brandon & Carle Christian out of 6 entries with their Robust Porter Style 20A: American Porter.
Smoke and Wood-Aged Beer
3rd place Dan Tully and the Seven City Barrel Brewers** out of 7 entries with their Bhúrbón Fanaile Buama (AKA Bourbon Barrel Robust Porter with a little vanilla added) Style 33B: Specialty Wood Aged Beer.
Spice, Herb, and Vegetable Beer
1st place Jack Wallace out of 6 entries with his Everything Nice Style 30C: Winter Seasonal Beer.
** The Bourbon Barrel Robust Porter Brewers are Edward Graves, John Allen, Brian McCrickard, Dan Tully, Tim Woodard, Bob Buerger, Rafael Corredor, Jason Erfle, Larry Lentz, Dempsey Smith, and James Strane.
Great Job and Congratulations Seven City Brewers!