March 10th, 2018
11th Annual Virginia Beer Blitz
There were 365 total entries with 586 registered participants, judges & stewards.
Seven City Brewers who placed:
1st place Michael Nazzaro with his Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer
2nd place Ed McDermott with his International Amber Lager
2nd place Larry Lentz with his American IPA
3rd place Tim Rouse with his Irish Red Ale
3rd place Dan Tully with his Belgian Smash Experimental Beer
Congratulations Seven City Brewers!
7CB Judges & Stewards
Brian McCrickard, Joey Tomasello, Jack Wallace, and Tim Rouse
7CB Brewers Who Entered
Chris Ward, Dempsey Smith, Michael Nazzaro, Larry Lentz, Joey Tomasello, Tim Rouse, Noel Shriner, Jack Wallace, Fred Baker, Ed McDermott, and Dan Tully