Click on our Host's Name to visit their web site or Facebook page.
09 January 2025, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Pleasure House Brewing
Virginia Beach, VA
INTRO: (Brian)
We want to thank the staff at Pleasure House Brewing for once again hosting our club meeting.
New members since last meeting:
Marlin Ballard
Rich Boylan
Hugo Vanegas
Club’s Barrel Program: (Joe)
Wee Heavy v4
Empty date 01/10/2025 @ 5pm – bring empty keg to Wine & Cake
This barrel will be up for sale $50
Imperial Cider receipe comp for March 2025
~10% ABV
Fresh Iron Clad Barrel – participants will pay $10 for barrel entry
Barrel fill will be 05/16/2025 @ 5pm – bring full keg to Wine & Cake
Barrel empty will be sometime in November 2025
Future barrels
Irish Red Ale
Imperial Chocolate Stout (port and bourbon barrels)
Treasurer’s Report: (Paul)
Please remember that if the majority of 7CB are also AHA members, we get our insurance at no cost to the club.
All 757 club members must be in good standing to be eligible for local establishment discounts, club barrel events, and club social events.
2025 membership rates - $30 per individual and $50 per household.
Sample glasses for sale - $5
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. We also have several craft beers and some brew gear from COVA to raffle off tonight as well. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5. Pay cash or PayPal
7CB and Beer Events: (Brian)
01-25-2025 Tarnished Truth Distillery tour
Must be 7CB member in good standing. Must RSVP no later than Tuesday 01-14-2025.
02-08-2025 2 Annual Hampton Roads Homebrew Kickoff @ The Vanguard Brewpub & Distillery
02-13-2025 Club meeting @ Thin Brew Line (also Fantasy Home Brew League competition)
02-27-2025 Club virtual meeting – will feature a quiz BJCP game
03-13-2025 Club meeting @ Studly Brewing Co (also Imperial Cider competition)
757 and National Homebrew Competitions: (Brandon)
- reminder 7CB members they are automatically members of both MHP and SHA
01-22-2025 HR Brewers Cup #1 – Cellar Cleaner (one entry per brewer)
03-19-2025 HR Brewers Cup #2 – 15A: Irish Red Ale and 15B: Irish Stout (one entry per brewer)
Competitions on the horizon – NOVA Classic, Domras Cup, Port City Plunder, Shamrock Open, Beer Blitz
Fantasy Homebrew League: (Rich)
All brewers in the FHL, please fill out the Google Form that Rich will be sending out via email. The most important piece of information you will provide will be “describe your beer”. Since most of these entries don’t fall into a “normal” BJCP category, this will be your opportunity to let the judges know what you were going for.
You will need 4 total bottles for your entry.
2 bottles to Rich no later than 02/07/2025. These two bottles will be for the BJCP judging session where beers will be placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd
2 bottles to our February meeting at Thin Brew Line on 02/13/2025. These two bottles will be for our tasters choice judging session happening that night.
Education: (Brian)
Discussion about Irish Red Ales and Irish Stouts while sampling commercial examples Guinness & Smithwicks
In-House Brew Competition: (Brian)
Brew with Nuts. Five entries. Brian Madden won with his version of Banana Nut Bread Beer. Next in-house competition style and month TBA (will possibly be May 2025).
NEXT MEETING - 13 February 2025 18:30 @ Thin Brew Line Brewing - VA Beach
12 December 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - MoMac Brewing Company
Portsmouth, VA
We want to thank the staff at MoMac for once again hosting our holiday party and brew meeting. It’s been a few years since we’ve been here and we are happy to be back!
Club’s Barrel Program:
Wee Heavy v4
Empty date will be mid-January
This barrel will be up for sale once emptied
Imperial Cider receipe comp for March 2025
Fresh Iron Clad Barrel – participants will pay $10 for barrel
~10% ABV
Chocolate Imperial Stout for June/July 2025
Imperial stout to go into a port and bourbon barrels
Treasurer’s Report:
Please remember that if the majority of 7CB are also AHA members, we get our insurance at no cost to the club.
All club members must be in good standing to be eligible for local establishment discounts and club events. Renew your club membership by 12/31/2024 for the rate of $25 per individual.
Membership rates will increase as of 01/01/2025 to $30 per individual and $50 per household.
7CB and Beer Upcoming Events:
01-09-2025 Club meeting @ Pleasure House Brewing (also in-house nut beer competition)
01-15-2025 HRBC comp #1 – Cellar Cleaner
01-(18 or 25) Possible Tarnished Truth Distillery tour
02-08-2025 Hampton Roads Homebrew Kickoff @ The Vanguard
02-13-2025 Club meeting @ Thin Brew Line (also Fantasy Home Brew League competition)
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Brewer of The Year:
1st place - $150 Brandon & Carla Christian
Rounding out the top three was Brian McCrickard and Dempsey Smith
NEXT MEETING - 09 January 2025 18:30 @ Pleasure House - VA Beach
14 November 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - The Vanguard Brewpub & Distillery
Hampton, VA
We want to thank the staff at The Vanguard for once again hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club.
We have ONE new members since our last meeting…. Lonnie Elrod
Club’s Barrel Program:
Wee Heavy v4
Round three of sampling update
This barrel will be up for sale once emptied
Imperial Cider for January/February 2025
Fresh Iron Clad Barrel – participants will pay $10 for barrel
~10% ABV
Chocolate Imperial Stout for June/July 2025
Imperial stout to go into a port and bourbon barrels
Treasurer’s Report: Paul presents the Treasurers Report.
Please remember that if the majority of 7CB are also AHA members, we get our insurance at no cost to the club.
7CB and Beer Upcoming Events:
11-15-2024 Family camping/brewing weekend @ Holiday Travel Park in VA Beach
11-20-2024 HRBC – Clone Wars competition
12-12-2024 Club Meeting/Holiday Party/Potluck @ MoMac
7CB Officer Voting:
It’s time to vote on our officers for their 2025 term. Our nominees were selected during our September meeting, and now it is time to vote them in.
Voting will be held by announcing the position and person nominated, and then club members were asked all in favor and respond yay or nay
Secretary nominee is Beth Madden. All in favor… All opposed… (Let the record reflect that the majority is in favor.)
Treasurer nominee is Paul Wilson. All in favor… All opposed… (Let the record reflect that the majority is in favor.)
Co-Vice President nominees are Brandon Christian and Carla Christian. All in favor… All opposed… (Let the record reflect that the majority is in favor.)
President nominee is Brian McCrickard. All in favor… All opposed… (Let the record reflect that the majority is in favor.)
Officer Appointments:
Barrel King – Joe Luchansky
Rich Hart – Media Manager
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
In-house Brew Competition:
Winter Seasonal Beer (30C)
Fantasy Homebrew Draft:
Homebrew Draft
NEXT MEETING - 12 December 2024 18:30 @ MoMac - Portsmouth
10 October 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Post Secondary Brewing
Portsmouth, VA
We want to thank the staff at Post Secondary for their first time hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club.
We have NO new members since our last meeting
Tonight’s Raffle:
No raffle held this month
Club’s Barrel Program: REMINDER – you can only participate in a barrel if you are current on dues
Wee Heavy v4
Round three of sampling will happen around mid-month November 2024
This barrel will have a run of cider, once emptied, then will be up for sales after the cider run to 7CB members
Looking ahead to Fall/Winter 2024
The Porter/Bourbon barrel double brew is moving forward
Winter 2025 – Barrel Aged Mead
Bulk honey purchase for the mead barrel brewers to split. Contact Brian McCrickard for details.
Looking like ~ $3.50 per 1 lb
You can purchase bulk honey even if you’re not participating in this barrel
Treasurer’s Report:
Brian presents the Treasurers Report. Sample glasses and t-shirts are for sale - $5 for a sample glass, $16 for a hat (1), and $24 for an XL t-shirt (2). Pay the cost via cash or check. Pay via PayPal with an extra fee added.
Please remember that if the majority of 7CB are also AHA members, we get our insurance at no cost to the club.
7CB Officer Nomination:
It’s time to nominate our officers for their 2024 term. Anyone can nominate a club member or themselves, just see a current club officer to put your name in the running. If you have another nominee or would like to throw your hat in the ring for a position, just let a current officer know.
Officer voting will take place during our November meeting at The Vanguard in Hampton.
Brian McCrickard – President
Brandon/Carla Christian – Vice President(s)
Paul Wilson – Treasurer
Beth Madden – Secretary
Joe Luchansky – Barrel King
Rich Hart – Media Manager
7CB and Beer Upcoming Events:
10-12-2024 2024 7CB Swap Meet/Brew Competition Day/Potluck
Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard.
Open to all home brew clubs in the 757 area
Please bring food and home brew to share. Grills will be available for you
We will be holding three beer competitions this day…
Beer Competition (any style)
Cider/Mead/Seltzer Competition
Chocolate Imperial Stout Competition (with the winning beer becoming the barrel recipe)
10-24-2024 Virtual Happy Hour
11-02-2024 Learn to homebrew Day
The first Saturday in November has been established as learn to homebrew day by the AHA. Anyone brewing?
11-14-2024 Club meeting @ The Vanguard Brewpub & Distillery – Hampton
11-15-2024 Family camping/brewing weekend @ Holiday Travel Park in VA Beach
11-29-2024 Black Friday day sipping get together
12-12-2024 Club Meeting/Holiday Party/Potluck @ TBA
Homebrew Competitions: upcoming comps still open (date listed is actual comp date)
You can find a live BJCP sanctioned competition calendar on the MHP website. There are plenty of competitions still open for the rest of 2024 and the beginning of 2025…too many to list here.
Rich has been doing a great job at posting competitions on our main Facebook page. Please check out the Beer Comp excel file on the main FB page. If you are not a FB user, please see Rich for what’s coming up.
11-20-2024 HRBC Comp #6 @ Brew & Bottle. Style “Clone Wars”
Brew any beer or cider of your choice as close as you can to a produced beer.
You will need to provide both your homebrew, as well as the commercial beer you cloned
FINAL SHA Rankings:
7CB has finished in fourth place on the club SHA ranking list.
1 – Down East Alers (303 points)
2 – Winston-Salem Wort Hogs (151 points)
3 – James River Homebrewers (148 points)
4 – Seven City Brewers (141 points)
Recent Competition Winners
Upstate New York Homebrewers Association:
Dempsey Smith – 20A: American Porter. 2nd place.
Blue Ridge Brew Off:
Dempsey Smith – 20C: Imperial Stout. 1st place.
Brian McCrickard – 20C: Imperial Stout. 3rd place.
Brandon Christian – 30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer. 1st Place. Mexican Stout.
Forgetaboutit! 2024:
Brian McCrickard – 17B: Old Ale. 1st place.
Brandon Christian – 14C: Scottish Export. 1st Place
Brandon Christian – 33A: Wood-Aged Beer. 2nd Place. Club barrel Belgian Strong Dark Ale.
Hoptoberfest 2024:
Sam Asbell – 3A: Czech Pilsner. 3rd Place.
Dempsey Smith – 20A: American Porter. 2nd Place.
Brian McCrickard – 17B: Old Ale. 1st Place. 17A: British Strong Ale. 3rd Place. Both club barrel beers.
Brian McCrickard – 27: Historical Beer. 1st Place.
Joe Luchansky – 27: Historical Beer. 2nd Place.
Brandon Christian – 30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer. 1st Place. Mexican Stout.
VA Amateur Mead Cup:
Jacob Shawler – M1 Traditional. 3rd Place.
Brian McCrickard – M4 Specialty. 3rd Place.
Master Homebrewer Program - Current MHP Rankings:
Matt White – Grand Master III
Christian – Distinguished
McCrickard – Recognized
Dempey – Recognized
Luchansky – Novice
Madden – Novice
Rich Hart - Novice
Bruce Enzmann - Unranked
Nate Stallings – Unranked
In-house Brew Competition:
Taster’s choice for the next in-house competition has been set. The next competition will be held at the November 2024 meeting.
NEXT STYLE – Winter Seasonal Beer (30C)
Fantasy Homebrew Draft:
Rich gives final update on upcoming fantasy homebrew league. Draft at upcoming November meeting.
Guidelines for next in-house competition style.
NEXT STYLE – Winter Seasonal Beer (30C)
NEXT MEETING - 14 November 2024 18:30 @ The Vanguard - Hampton
12 September 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Smartmouth Brewing
Norfolk, VA
We want to thank the staff at Smartmouth for hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club.
We have NO new members since our last meeting
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Club’s Barrel Program:
Wee Heavy v4
Round two of sampling will happen around mid-month September 2024
This barrel will be up for sale once emptied to club members having the right of first refusal for $50. Please reach out to Joe to purchase the barrel
Looking ahead to Fall/Winter 2024
The Porter/Bourbon barrel double brew is moving forward
Looking for a Chocolate Imperial Stout recipe
BREW IT NOW! Get a recipe to 10% and bring it to the Swap Meet 10/12/2024
The plan is for these barrels to come from A. Smith Bowman and will be open to any homebrewer in the area – so pass the word around!
Summer 2024 – Barrel Aged Mead
Bulk honey purchase for the mead barrel brewers to split. Contact Brian McCrickard for details.
Looking like ~ $3.50 per 4 lbs.
You can purchase bulk honey even if you’re not participating in this barrell
Brew by 10/2024. Barrel fill would be 01/2025. Contact Joe or Brian for details.
Treasurer’s Report: Paul presents the Treasurers Report. Sample glasses and t-shirts are for sale - $5 for a sample glass, $16 for a hat, and $24 for an XL t-shirt. Pay the cost via cash or check. Pay via PayPal with an extra fee added.
7CB Officer Nomination:
It’s time to nominate our officers for their 2024 term. Anyone can nominate a club member or themselves, just see a current club officer to put your name in the running. If you have another nominee or would like to throw your hat in the ring for a position, just let a current officer know.
Officer voting will take place during our November meeting at The Vanguard in Hampton.
Brian McCrickard – President
Brandon/Carla Christian – Vice President(s)
Paul Wilson – Treasurer
Beth Madden – Secretary
Joe Luchansky – Barrell King
Rich Hart – Media Manager
7CB and Beer Upcoming Events:
09-28-2024 In-person social hour with 7CB at Tribal Axe in VA Beach
$47 person for 2 hours of axe throwing. Please RSVP no later than 09/20/2024
10-10-2024 Club meeting @ Post Secondary - Portsmouth
10-12-2024 2024 7CB Swap Meet/Brew Competition Day/Potluck
Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard.
Open to all home brew clubs in the 757 area
Please bring food and home brew to share. Grills will be available for you
We will be holding three beer competitions this day…
Beer Competition (any style)
Cider/Mead/Seltzer Competition
Chocolate Imperial Stout Competition (with the winning beer becoming the barrel recipe)
10-24-2024 Virtual Happy Hour
11-14-2024 Club meeting @ The Vanguard Brewpub & Distillery - Hampton
Homebrew Competitions: upcoming comps still open (date listed is actual comp date)
You can find a live BJCP sanctioned competition calendar on the MHP website. There are plenty of competitions still open for the rest of 2024…too many to list here.
09-18-2024 HRBC Comp #5 Historical Beers
Location update – Harbour Place Condos Community Center – 215 Brooke Ave Norfolk, VA
11-20-2024 HRBC Comp #6 @ Brew & Bottle. Style TBA
Current SHA Rankings:
7CB is currently the fourth ranked home brew club on the club SHA ranking list. Let’s finish 2024 strong!
1 – Down East Alers (200 points)
2 – James River Homebrewers (115 points)
3 – Winston-Salem Wort Hawgs (113 points)
4 – Seven City Brewers (100 points)
5 – North GA Malt Monkeys (63 points)
Recent Competition Winners
Dominion Cup:
Brandon Christian – 2A: International Pale Lager. 2nd place. (Mexican Lager)
Carla Christian – 20A: American Porter. 2nd place.
Dempsey Smith – 20C: Imperial Stout. 1st place.
Dempsey Smith – 18A: Blonde Ale. 2nd place.
Brian McCrickard – 17B: Old Ale. 1st place. 17A: British Strong Ale. 2nd place.
North Georgia Homebrew Competition:
Brandon Christian – 2A: International Pale Lager. 1st place. (Mexican Lager)
Brian McCrickard – 20C: Imperial Stout. 2nd place.
7CB Barrel Brewers – C1B: English Cider. 2nd place.
Joe Luchansky, Matt White, Bob Buerger, Greg Gonzales, Bruce Steward, Karen Hadley, Eric Cain, Brandon Christian, Todd Cannon
Master Homebrewer Program - Current MHP Rankings:
Matt White – Grand Master III
Christian – Distinguished
McCrickard – Recognized
Dempey – Recognized
Luchansky – Novice
Madden – Novice
Rich Hart - Novice
Bruce Enzmann - Unranked
Nate Stallings – Unranked
Sour Brew Competition:
Taster’s choice for the best 7CB sour beer. Winner will get to choose the next style for a November 2024 competition.
Winner was Brian Madden with Grouches Dessert - a raspberry/maple sour (it was green!).
NEXT STYLE – brew for November 2024 meeting. Winter Seasonal Beer (30C)
NEXT MEETING - 10 October 2024 18:30 @ Post Secondary Brewing
08 August 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Armed Forces Brewing Co
Norfolk, VA
We want to thank Nicole and the rest of the staff at Armed Forces for hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club.
We have one new members since our last meeting – welcome to Tim Labbe.
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Club’s Barrel Program:
Wee Heavy v4
Joe & Brandon sampled last weekend. Needs more time in the barrel. Will sample again mid-month September 2024
This barrel will be up for sale once emptied to club members having the right of first refusal for $50. Please reach out to Joe to purchase the barrel
Looking ahead to Fall/Winter 2024
The Port/Bourbon barrel double brew is moving forward
looking for Chocolate Imperial Stout recipe
BREW IT NOW! Get a recipe to 10% and bring it to the Swap Meet 10/12/2024
The plan is for these barrel to come from A. Smith Bowman and will be open to any home brewer in the area - so pass the word around!
Summer 2024 - Barrel Aged Mead
Bulk honey purchase for the mead barrel brewers to split. Contact Brian McCrickard for details
Brew by day slated for 10/2024. Barrel fill would then be 01/2025. Contact Joe or Brian for more details and to order your pounds of honey
Treasurer’s Report:
Paul presents the Treasurers Report. Sample glasses and t-shirts are for sale - $5 for a sample glass, $16 for a hat, and $24 for a t-shirt. Pay the cost via cash or check. Pay via PayPal with an extra fee added.
Insurance – 75% of 7CB members to be AHA members = free insurance for the club. Deadline is 08/15/2024
7CB and Beer Upcoming Events:
09-07-2024 757 Battle of the Beers (7CB will not be participating but we encourage everyone to attend)
09-12-2024 Club meeting @ TBA (possibly be held on the peninsula)
09-28-2024 In-person social hour with 7CB at Tribal Axe in VA Beach
10-10-2024 Club meeting @ Post Secondary - Portsmouth
10-12-2024 Brew Day 2024/7CB Swap Meet
Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard.
Open to all home brew clubs in the 757 area
Please bring food and home brew to share. Grills will be available for you
We will be holding three beer competitions this day…
Beer Competition (any style)
Cider/Mead/Seltzer Competition
Chocolate Imperial Stout Competition (with the winning beer becoming the barrel recipe)
10-24-2024 Virtual Happy Hour
Homebrew Competitions: upcoming comps still open (date listed is actual comp date):
08-16-2024 NHC finals (McCrickard and Christian)
09-12-2024 7CB competition – brew with Philly Sour yeast
09-14-2024 Fugetaboutit! 2024
09-18-2024 HRBC Comp #5 @ Brew & Bottle. Historical Beers
09-27-2024 Virginia Mead Cup – Amateur
11-20-2024 HRBC Comp #6 @ Brew & Bottle. Style TBA
Current SHA Rankings:
1 – Down East Alers (163 points)
2 – Winston-Salem Wort Hawgs (93 points)
3 – James River Homebrewers (82 points)
4 – Seven City Brewers (74 points)
5 – Low Country Libations (46 points)
Recent Competition Winners:
US Open:
Brandon Christian – 2A: International Pale Lager. 2nd place.
Brandon Christian – 20A: American Porter. 2nd place.
Brandon Christian – 21B2: Black IPA. 2nd place.
Dempsey Smith – 1B: American Lager. 1st place.
Dempsey Smith – 12B: Australian Sparkling Ale. 2nd place.
Brian McCrickard & Todd Cannon – 20C: Imperial Stout. 1st place.
Master Homebrewer Program
7CB is currently the fourth ranked home brew club on MHP ranking list. We are just behind James River Homebrewers. Let’s step it up and beat them!
Also you can now find a live BJCP sanctioned competition calendar on the MHP website.
Current MHP Rankings:
Matt White – Grand Master III
Christian – Distinguished
McCrickard – Recognized
Dempey – Recognized
Luchansky – Novice
Madden – Novice
Bruce Enzmann - Unranked
Nate Stallings – Unranked
Brian McCrickard talks about Philly sour yeast techniques, tips, and tricks.
Social Media:
Facebook barrel page is where you will find the polls for upcoming barrel recipes, as well as working barrel specific information.
The updated beer competition spreadsheet link is pinned to the top of our main Facebook group page and here.
In House Competition:
The next in-house competition will be held at our September 2024 meeting - any, cider, or seltzer. No limit. BUT you must use Philly Sour yeast.
NEXT MEETING - 12 September 2024 18:30 @ Smartmouth NFK
11 July 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Redwood Smoke Shack NFK
Norfolk, VA
We want to thank Bob and his staff at Redwood NFK for once again hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club. Also we need to extend a HUGE thanks to Anais/Bankers Insurance and Bob/Redwood for sponsoring some amazing food for tonight's meeting.
We have one new member since our last meeting - welcome to James Sexton.
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Club’s Barrel Program:
Next barrel fill
Wee Heavy v4
Joe will sample the week of July 15th which is two months in the barrel
This barrel will be up for sale, once emptied, to club members having the right of first refusal for $50. Please reach out to Joe to purchase the barrel
Looking aheadto Fall/Winter 2024
The Porter/Bourbon barrel double brew is moving forward
Looking for a Chocolate Imperial Stout recipe. If you have a favorite one please reach out to Joe Luchansky
The plan is for these barrels to come from A. Smith Bowman and will be open to any homebrewer in the area - so pass the word around!
2024 - Barrel Aged Mead
Looking into a bulk honey purchase for the mead barrel brewers to split. Please reach out to Brian McCrickard for details
If the mead is made at the 10/13/2024 Brew Day event, it would go into the barrel in January 2025
Treasurer’s Report: Paul presents the Treasurers Report
Sample glasses and t-shirts are for sale - $5 for a sample glass and $25 for a t-shirt. Pay the cost via cash or check. Pay via PayPal with an extra fee added.
7CB and 757 Events:
07-17-2024 HRBC #4 Class IPAs (no Hazys)
07-27-2024 7CB Norfolk Pub Crawl
Tentative schedule:
Start 11:30 at Makers. Then on to Rip Rap, The Veil, Armed Forces, Benchtop, Smartmouth
08-03-2024 National Mead Day
08-04-2024 1st Hampton Roads Honey Fest @ St. George Brewing
08-08-2024 Club meeting @ Armed Forces Brewing Co - Norfolk
08-16-2024 NHC Finals (McCrickard and Christian)
09-07-2024 757 Battle of the Beers
09-12-2024 Club meeting @ TBA
09-26-2024 In-person social hour with 7CB. Please vote for an activity on our FB poll
OR cast your vote via email. Below are the choices:
Tides game (last series of the season)
Hackers at Hilltop
Bowing - location TBD
Axe Throwing - VA Beach
Escape Room - VA Beach
10-10-2024 Club meeting @ Post Secondary - Portsmouth
10-13-2024 Brew Day 2024/7CB Swap Meet
Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard
Open to all homebrew clubs in the 757
Please bring food and home brew to share. Grills will be available for you
We will be holding three competitions this day...
Beer Competition (any style)
Cider/Mead/Seltzer Competition
Chocolate Imperial Stout Competition (with the winning beer becoming the barrel recipe)
10-24-2024 Virtual Happy Hour
Fall 2024 7CB members, friends, and family camping weekend in Virginia Beach. Details TBD
Thanks to everyone who attended our 7CB night out at the Tides game.
Homebrew Competitions: upcoming comps still open (date listed is actual comp date)
07-17-2024 HRBC Comp #4 @ Brew & Bottle. Classic IPAs (no Hazys)
09-14-2024 Fugetaboutit! 2024
09-18-2024 HRBC Comp #5 @ Brew & Bottle. Historical Beers
09-27-2024 Virginia Mead Cup - Amateur
11-20-2024 HRBC Comp #6 @ Brew & Bottle. Style TBA
Recent Competition Winners
Keystone Hops War of the Worts:
Brandon Christian - British/Irish Ale. 3rd Place - Scottish Export
Brandon Christian - Cider. 1st Place - English Cider
Boneyard Brew Off:
Brian McCrickard - Scottish Heavy. 3rd Place
Brian McCricard - Heavy Gravity 1.080+. 1st Place
Master Homebrewer Program
7CB is currently the fourth ranked home brew club on MHP ranking list. We are just behind James River Homebrewers. Let's step it up and beat them!
Current MHP Rankings:
Madden - Novice
Christian - Distinguished
McCrickard - Recognized
Dempsey - Recognized
Luchansky - Novice
Bruce Enzmann - Unranked
Nate Stallings - Unranked
Social Media:
Facebook barrel page is where you will find the polls for upcoming barrel recipes, as well as working barrel specific information.
The updated beer competition spreadsheet link is pinned to the top of our main Facebook group page and here.
Brandon Christian talked about oxygenation.
In House Competition:
The next in-house competition will be held at our September 2024 meeting - any, cider, or seltzer. No limit. BUT you must use Philly Sour yeast.
NEXT MEETING - 08 August 2024 18:30 @ Armed Forces Brewing Company - Norfolk
13 June 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Pirate's Cove
Chesapeake, VA
We want to thank John and his staff at Pirate's Cove for once again hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club. They have excellent food and a great craft beer list, so please make sure to take care of them this evening.
We have one new members since our last meeting - welcome (again) to Brandon Burrow. Brandon signed up at our May meeting at Voodoo Brewing Co.
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Club’s Barrel Program:
Next barrel fill
Wee Heavy v4
Joe will sample on July 20, 2024
This barrel will be up for sale, once emptied, to club members having the right of first refusal for $50. Please reach out to Joe to purchase the barrel
Looking aheadto Fall/Winter 2024
The Porter/Bourbon barrel double brew is moving forward
Looking for a Chocolate Imperial Stout recipe. If you have a favorite one please reach out to Joe Luchansky
The plan is for these barrels to come from A. Smith Bowman and will be open to any homebrewer in the area - so pass the word around!
Summer 2024 - Barrel Aged Mead
Possibly make this mead on National Mead Day 08/03/2024 or 08/04/2024
If made then, would be looking at mid-September/early October 2024 barrel fill
Looking into a bulk honey purchase for the mead barrel brewers to split
Treasurer’s Report: Paul presents the Treasurers Report
Sample glasses for sale - $5 each
Swag order is in with the vendor. Will advise when we get the order. Your payment will be due at that time.
7CB and 757 Events:
06-22-2024 Honey Festival @ Virginia Beach Farmers Market
06-27-2024 Virtual Happy Hour with MHP presentation by Brian McCrickard
Link for the Google Meet will be sent via email and located on the FB event
07-11-2024 Club meeting @ Redwood - Norfolk
This meeting will also be our next in-house competition night. Any style base beer but you must use 1 pound of coffee in your recipe.
Food for this meeting MUST BE PRE-ORDERED AND PRE-PAID. Food deadline will be Friday 07/05/2024. You will be receiving an email about food options/pricing. We are looking to keep it around $20 per person.
07-27-2024 7CB Norfolk Pub Crawl
Tentative schedule:
Start 11:30 at Makers. Then on to Rip Rap, The Veil, Armed Forces, Benchtop, Smartmouth
08-03-2024 National Mead Day. Details on a club mead making day will be coming soon
08-04-2024 1st Hampton Roads Honey Fest @ St. George Brewing
08-08-2024 Club meeting @ Armed Forces Brewing Co - Norfolk
09-12-2024 Club meeting @ TBA
10-10-2024 Club meeting @ Post Secondary - Portsmouth
10-13-2024 Brew Day 2024/7CB Swap Meet
Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard
Open to all homebrew clubs in the 757
In addition to a small home brew competition, we will also possibly holding a bbq competition
Please bring food and home brew to share
Fall 2024 7CB members, friends, and family camping weekend in Virginia Beach. Details TBD
Thanks to everyone who attended our 7CB night out at the Tides game.
Homebrew Competitions:
Quick reminder about SHA and HRBC competitions. Remember to check our Facebook page and meeting minutes on the website for the link to the current competition document. This is the best way to keep you up on current upcoming competitions and registration deadlines.
Recent Competition Winners
HRBC Competition #3 - Lawnmower Beers:
Dempsey Smith - Best of Show Kölsch
Brewers East End Revival 27th Brew Off - NY homebrew competition:
Dempsey Smith - 1st place Australian Sparkling Ale; 2nd place American Lager
NHC Round One:
Brandon Christian - 1st place Spice, Herb, & Vegetable Beer (Mexican Chocolate Stout)
Brian McCrickard - 1st place Scottish & Irish Ale (Scottish Export)
Master Homebrewer Program
7CB as a club has purchased a membership to participate in the MHP. Which means that it is FREE FOR YOU! Not only will you be individually ranked, listed, and accoladed but the club is also in an overall competition with other homebrew clubs.
When you sign up (FOR FREE) for MHP, you will be issued an individual member number. From there, you enter that number into the competitions when available and your score sheet is supposed to be automatically uploaded into the system for you – but always double check. If you don’t enter your member number at the time of competition registration, then you have the ability to upload your scoresheet directly into the MHP website.
Please plan on attending our virtual happy hour this month, 06/27/2024, as Brian McCrickard will be giving a visual presentation on the Master Homebrew Program. We will have his computer screen on display for you to see how the website actually works.
Current MHP Rankings:
Madden - Novice
Christian - Distinguished
McCrickard - Recognized
Dempsey - Recognized
Luchansky - Novice
Bruce Enzmann - Unranked
Nate Stallings - Unranked
Upcoming CompetitionsRegistration currently open for Fugetaboutit! 2024 (SHA circuit)
as of 06/10/2024 only about 12 entries available
Registration currently open for North Georgia Home Brew (SHA circuit)
as of 06/10/2024 only about 40 entries available
06/14/2024 registration open for Blue Ridge Brew Off (SHA circuit)
06/15/2024 registration opens for JRHB Dominon Cup (SHA circuit)
July 2024 club meeting – the in-house coffee competition
07/17/2024 HRBC Comp #4 Classic IPA at Brew & Bottle
21A American IPA, 21B Specialty IPA (NO HAZYs), 22A Double IPA
Social Media:
Facebook barrel page is where you will find the polls for upcoming barrel recipes, as well as working barrel specific information.
The updated beer competition spreadsheet link is pinned to the top of our main Facebook group page and here.
Brian McCrickard talks about mash temperatures and pH levels and their affect on your beer.
In House Competition:
The next in-house competition will be held at our July 2024 meeting - any base style (brewers choice) but you must use 1 pound of coffee in your recipe. Good Luck and Happy Brewing!
NEXT MEETING - 11 July 2024 18:30 @ Redwood Smoke Shack - Norfolk
9 May 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Voodoo Brewing Co.
Virginia Beach, VA
We want to thank Voodoo Brewing for hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club. They have excellent food and a great craft beer list, so please make sure to take care of them this evening.
We have two new members since our last meeting - welcome to Jacob Shawler and Sam Davies. Jacob is with us tonight!
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Club’s Barrel Program:
Next barrel fill
Wee Heavy v4
Barrel fill date: 05/18/2024 Saturday @ Noon
Iron Clad Distillery in Newport News is the barrel for this round. Joe picking up barrel 05/11/2024
This barrel will be up for sale, once emptied, to club members having the right of first refusal for $50. Please reach out to Joe to purchase the barrel
Looking ahead
The Porter/Bourbon barrel double brew is moving forward
Looking for a Chocolate Imperial Stout recipe. If you have a favorite one please reach out to Joe Luchansky
The plan is for these barrels to come from A. Smith Bowman and will be open to any homebrewer in the area - so pass the word around!
Treasurer’s Report: Paul presents the Treasurers Report
Sample glasses for sale - $5 each
Swag order is being placed this week!
7CB and 757 Events:
05-18-2024 In person social hour @ Tides game - Norfolk
05-18-2024 Wee Heavy v4 barrel fill @ Wine & Cake Hobbies starting at Noon
06-13-2024 Club meeting @ Pirate's Cove - Chesapeake
06-27-2024 Virtual Happy Hour
07-11-2024 Club meeting @ Redwood - Norfolk
This meeting will also be our next in-house competition night
08-08-2024 Club meeting @ Armed Forces Brewing Co - Norfolk
Fall 2024 7CB members, friends, and family camping weekend in Virginia Beach. Details TBD
Fall 2024 Big Brew Day 2024/7CB Swap Meet Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard. Open to all home brew clubs in the 757 area. In addition to a small beer competition, we will also be holding a baby back rib competition.
Homebrew Competitions:
Quick reminder about SHA and HRBC competitions. Remember to check our Facebook page and meeting minutes on the website for the link to the current competition document. This is the best way to keep you up on current upcoming competitions and registration deadlines.
Recent Competition Winners
Cask Beer Blitz:
Joe Luchansky - Best of Show Mead/Cider and 1st place Cider with his take on the club barrel cider
Dempsey Smith - 2nd place Kölsch
Brandon & Carla Christian - 3rd place American Porter, 1st place Mexican Chocolate Stout
Brian McCrickard - 3rd place Scottish Export, 3rd place club barrel Belgian Strong, 3rd place Cider
Colonial Cup:
Brian McCrickard - 2nd place Best of Show/1st place Wood-Aged club barrel Belgian Dark Strong
7CB swept the Specialty Wood-Aged Beer category! McCrickard also took 3rd place in this category
Brian & Beth Madden - 3rd place American Porter
Brandon & Carla Christian - 2nd place wood-aged, 2nd place Shwarbeir, 1st place Mexican Lager
Dempsey Smith - 3rd place Blonde Ale
Port City Plunder:
Brandon & Carla Christian - 3rd place American Porter, 3rd place Mexican Chocolate Stout, 3rd place Vanilla Bourbon Stout
Brian McCrickard - 1st place American Pale Ale, 3rd place New World Cider
Bruce Enzmann - 2nd place Märzen
Dempsey Smith - 2nd place Strong Bitter, 2nd place Kölsch
Upcoming Competitions
05/15/2024 HRBC Comp #3 Lawnmowers Beers in Virginia Beach, VA
Kolsch, German Pils, Cream Ale, Blonde Ale
05/27/2024 registration opens for the US Open (SHA circuit)
06/01/2024 registration opens for North Georgia (SHA circuit)
06/15/2024 registration opens for Dominion Cup (SHA circuit)
July 2024 club meeting - the in-house coffee competition
Social Media:
Facebook barrel page is where you will find the polls for upcoming barrel recipes, as well as working barrel specific information.
The updated beer competition spreadsheet link is pinned to the top of our main Facebook group page and here.
Brian McCrickard talks about the methods and practices of dry hopping your beer
In House Competition:
The next in-house competition will be held at our July 2024 meeting - any base style (brewers choice) but you must use 1 pound of coffee in your recipe. Good Luck and Happy Brewing!
NEXT MEETING - 13 June 2024 18:30 @ Pirate's Cove Restaurant
11 April 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - 1608 Crafthouse
Virginia Beach, VA
We want to thank the amazing staff at 1608 for once again hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club. They have an excellent food and a great craft beer list, so please make sure to take care of them this evening.
We had two guests attend this meeting, Josh the guest of the Christians and Joe the guest of Joe Luchansky.
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Club’s Barrel Program:
Next barrel fill
Wee Heavy v4
Brew by date: 04/28/2024 Sunday
Barrel fill date: 05/18/2024 @ noon Saturday
Imperial Yeast is sponsoring this barrel. So free yeast! Joe will distribute to the brewers. Please contact Joe Luchansky in order to get your yeast if you didn't attend this meeting.
Iron Clad Distillery in Newport News is providing the barrel for this round
Looking ahead
The Porter/Bourbon barrel double brew is moving forward
Looking for a Chocolate Imperial Stout recipe. If you have a favorite one please reach out to Joe Luchansky
Treasurer’s Report: Paul presents the Treasurers Report
Sample glasses for sale - $5 each
Swag order reminder – order any hats or shirts or other gear SOON. We will be placing an order in the upcoming month, so get your order in. The club will put the order together and pre-pay. Payment due at pickup. You should have received the links for the apparel and a pdf order form in your email. If not, please see Beth. Please email your completed order forms to Paul Wilson at
2025 club dues will be $30 for individuals and $50 for households
7CB and 757 Events:
04-25-2024 7CB Virtual Happy Hour via Google Meet
Link for this meeting will be sent out the day before the event and is already located on the Facebook event page. Joe Luchansky will be running beer trivia based on the game Beer Nerd.
05-04-2024 Big Brew Day at Brew & Bottle in Newport News
Starts at 10:00. Brandon, Carla, and Brian McCrickard are all planning on brewing. Come out and support 7CB and Tuan
05-09-2024 Club meeting @ Voodoo Brewing Co - Virginia Beach
05-2024 In person social hour @ Tides game - Norfolk
Brian McCrickard is still working on this event, but we are anticipating it being sometime the weekend of 05/17-19/2024
05-18-2024 Wee Heavy v4 barrel fill @ Wine & Cake Hobbies starting at Noon
06-13-2024 Club meeting @ Pirate's Cove - Chesapeake
07-11-2024 Club meeting @ Redwood - Norfolk
This meeting will also be our next in-house competition night
08-08-2024 Club meeting @ Armed Forces Brewing Co - Norfolk
Fall 2024 7CB members, friends, and family camping weekend in Virginia Beach. Details TBD
Fall 2024 Big Brew Day 2024/7CB Swap Meet Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard. Open to all home brew clubs in the 757 area. In addition to a small beer competition, we will also be holding a baby back rib competition.
Homebrew Competitions:
Quick reminder about SHA and HRBC competitions. Remember to check our Facebook page and meeting minutes on the website for the link to the current competition document. This is the best way to keep you up on current upcoming competitions and registration deadlines.
Recent Competition Winners
HRBC Comp #2 If It's Not Scottish, It's Crap - Christian 1st place, McCrickard 2nd place
Upcoming Competitions
04/19-20/2024 CASK Beer Blitz at St. George Brewery in Hampton, VA
04/20/2024 Lowcountry Libations Colonial Cup in Charleston, SC
05/04/2024 Wort City Brewers Port City Plunder in Willmington, NC
05/15/2024 HRBC Comp #3 Lawnmowers Beers in Virginia Beach, VA
Kolsch, German Pils, Cream Ale, Blonde Ale
Social Media:
Beth talks about 7CB Facebook pages, Instagram page, Google Drive competition document, Google Meet link for next social hour, and Rich's newsletter.
Facebook barrel page is where you will find the polls for upcoming barrel recipes, as well as working barrel specific information.
The updated beer competition spreadsheet link is pinned to the top of our main Facebook group page and here.
Joe Luchansky presents How To Make A Starter
In House Competition:
The in-house competition of British Brown Ale and GO! We have four commercial examples to try to style notes.
RESULTS - we had our first even tie. Paul Wilson and Rich Hart have won the British Brown Ale in-house competition. So they had to agree on the next style or theme, and they have made their selection.
The next in-house competition will be held at our July 2024 meeting - any base style (brewers choice) but you must use 1 pound of coffee in your recipe. Good Luck and Happy Brewing!
NEXT MEETING - 9 May 2024 18:30 @ Voodoo Brewing Co
14 March 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Studly Brewing Co
Chesapeake, VA
We want to thank Blake and the amazing staff at Studly for once again hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club.
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Club’s Barrel Program:
Next barrel fill
Wee Heavy v4
Need more brewers for this one - please go to the 7CB Barrel FB page to sign up or email us if you want a spot
As of this posting, there are 7 to 9 brewers already signed up
This beer will be going into either a Deep Creek Distillery or A. Smith Bowman barrel
Last barrel is still up for sale
Can't put another beer into it - but it will make a nice planter or art piece
Please reach out to Joe for purchase, it is currently at Wine & Cake
Tarnished Truth High Rye Bourbon barrel - $40 for any club member
Treasurer’s Report: Paul presents the Treasurers Report
Sample glasses for sale - $5 each
Swag order reminder – order any hats or shirts or other gear SOON. We will be placing an order in the upcoming month, so get your order in. The club will put the order together and pre-pay. Payment due at pickup.
We will be sending a digital copy of the order form that you can fill out directly on your phone or computer, as well as links to the current catalog
PAY YOUR 2024 DUES! – no later than 03/31/2024
7CB and 757 Events:
03-29-2024 7CB night out with at the Admirals game.
04-11-2024 Club meeting @ 1608 Crafthouse
04-25-2024 7CB Virtual Happy Hour
Look for a link on the Facebook event and in your email
05-04-2024 Big Brew Day at Brew & Bottle in Newport News
05-11-2024 Club meeting @ TBD
Fall 2024 7CB members, friends, and family camping weekend in Virginia Beach. Details TBD
Fall 2024 Big Brew Day 2024/7CB Swap Meet Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard. Open to all home brew clubs in the 757 area. In addition to a small beer competition, we will also be holding a baby back rib competition.
Homebrew Competitions:
Quick reminder about SHA and HRBC competitions. Remember to check our Facebook page and meeting minutes on the website for the link to the current competition document. This is the best way to keep you up on current upcoming competitions and registration deadlines.
Master Homebrewers Program – 7CB is now an official club level member, which means you get all of the benefits of being in the program without having to pay for it. Once you sign up for MHP, they will issue you an individual member number for you to include on your homebrew competition entries.
The Lincolnton Festival weekend is coming up soon. Friday night is a bottle share party. Then Saturday is the big homebrew event. We are trying to fill up the tap board with 6 kegs. Let Brian know if you’d like to go to the festival, and/or if you’d like to donate a keg of your best homebrew to serve.
Brian McCrickard talked about recipe development
In House Competition:
The next in-house competition style will be British Brown Ale and will be held at our April 2024 meeting.
NEXT MEETING - 11 April 2024 18:30 @ 1608 Crafthouse
08 February 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Thin Brew Line Brewing
Virginia Beach, VA
We want to thank Raf and Thin Brew line for once again hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club.
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Club’s Barrel Program:
Next barrel fill
Waiting on a fresh bourbon barrel from Deep Creek Distillery
Shooting for March 2024 fill
Wee Heavy v4 and Imperial Stout are on the voting list so far but feel free to add your own suggestion
Need more brewers for this one – please go to the 7CB Barrel Facebook page to sign up and vote on the style of beer
Future 2024 barrel fill
Joe is trying to acquire a port wine barrel and a bourbon barrel at the same time
Imperial Stout has been suggested to be the style
Port barrel will require 60 gallons. Bourbon barrel will require 55 gallons.
Will need roughly 12 brewers for the port barrel and 11 brewers for the bourbon barrel
Open to all homebrew clubs around the 757 area
Proposed timeline is Spring 2024 for a Winter 2024 empty target date
Tarnished Truth High Rye Bourbon barrel is up for sale - $50
Please reach out to Joe for purchase, it is currently at Wine & Cake
Treasurer’s Report: Paul presents the Treasurers Report
Sample glasses for sale - $5 each
Swag order reminder – order any hats or shirts or other gear SOON. We will be placing an order in the upcoming month, so get your order in. The club will put the order together and pre-pay. Payment due at pickup.
PAY YOUR 2024 DUES! – no later than 03/31/2024
7CB and 757 Events:
02-22-2024 ExBEERiment online social hour. We will be sending out a Google Meet link for this meeting via email as well as on the Facebook event page. ALL BREWERS WELCOME – even if you didn’t participate in the nibs ExBEERiment feel free to join us online and enjoy some beverages with the group
03-14-2024 Club meeting @ Studly Brewing Co.
03-29-2024 7CB night out with at the Admirals game.
04-11-2024 Club meeting @ 1608 Crafthouse
05-04-2024 Big Brew Day 2024/7CB Swap Meet
Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard.
Open to all home brew clubs in the 757 area.
In addition to a small beer competition, we will also be holding a baby back rib competition.
Fall 2024 7CB members, friends, and family camping weekend in Virginia Beach. Details TBD
Homebrew Competitions:
Quick reminder about SHA and HRBC competitions. Remember to check our Facebook page and meeting minutes on the website for the link to the current competition document. This is the best way to keep you up on current upcoming competitions and registration deadlines.
Master Homebrewers Program – 7CB is now an official club level member, which means you get all of the benefits of being in the program without having to pay for it. Once you sign up for MHP, they will issue you an individual member number for you to include on your homebrew competition entries.
The Lincolnton Festival weekend is coming up soon, talk to Brian McCrickard for more detailed information to participate. He is planning on going for the weekend with the clubs tapboard and tent. Friday night is a bottle share party. Then Saturday is the big homebrew event. We are trying to fill up the tap board with 6 kegs. Let Brian know if you’d like to go to the festival, and/or if you’d like to donate a keg of your best homebrew to serve.
Brian Madden gave a quick presentation on adding finings via a closed transfer method.
In House Competition:
The next in-house competition style will be British Brown Ale and will be held at our April 2024 meeting.
NEXT MEETING - 14 March 2024 18:30 @ Studly Brewing Co
11 January 2024, Club Meeting @ 6:30pm
Our Host - Wasserhund Brewing Co
Virginia Beach, VA
We want to thank Wasserhund Brewing for once again hosting our brew meeting and for supporting our club. They have great food and excellent beers, so please make sure to take care of them this evening.
Tonight’s Raffle:
We are going to have a 50/50 raffle using raffle tickets. As the name implies, half will go to the winner, and half to the club. We will be coming around with the raffle tickets. One ticket is $1, Six tickets for $5.
You can pay cash or via PayPal. If paying by PayPal the username to pay is
Club’s Barrel Program:
Tarnished Truth High Rye barrel – Belgian Strong Ale
Barrel fill at Wine & Cake Hobbies on 11/18/2023
Tried a sample last weekend and it’s ready to come out of the barrel
Empty date 01/20/2024 @Noon
Next barrel fill
Shooting for February 2024 fill
Wee Heavy v4 has been suggested to be the style
Stay tuned to the FB 7CB barrel page and your email for details
Trying to acquire either a Deep Creek or Iron Clad barrel
Future 2024 barrel fill
Joe is trying to acquire a port barrel and a bourbon barrel at the same time
Imperial Stout has been suggested to be the style
Port barrel will require 60 gallons. Bourbon barrel will require 55 gallons.
Joe would like to open this up to other local homebrew clubs to participate
Proposed timeline is March 2024 for a Winter 2024 empty target date
Treasurer’s Report: Paul presents the Treasurers Report
Sample glasses for sale - $5 each
Swag order reminder – order any hats or shirts or other gear tonight. We will be placing an order soon and tonight is the last night to get your order in. The club will put the order together and you will pay when we get your order to you.
PAY YOUR 2024 DUES! – no later than 03/31/2024
7CB and 757 Events:
01-13-2024 VooDoo Brewing Co opens @ Noon. 300 Constitution Blvd Virigina Beach
02-01-2024 1st Annual Hampton Roads Kickoff to Homebrew @ 7pm at Tradition Brewing Co
Hosted by Brew & Bottle this event will have games we can compete in as a club, give aways, and raffels. Come join us and represent 7CB.
02-08-2024 7CB February Club Meeting @ Thin Brew Line Virginia Beach
…ExBEERiment brewers please bring bottles for member distribution
…brewers - if you need bottles, the club will purchase for you – please see Paul for details
02-XX-2024 ExBEERiment online social hour. Exactly TBD.
05-04-2024 Big Brew Day 2024/7CB Swap Meet
Hosted by Joe Luchansky in his backyard. We will have more details as we get closer but keep this date on your calendar. Joe has plenty of power in his backyard brewhouse, so bring your gear and let’s brew.
Fall 2024 7CB members, friends, and family camping weekend in Virginia Beach. Details TBD
Homebrew Competitions:
Quick reminder about SHA and HRBC competitions. Direct members to check our Facebook page and meeting minutes on the website for the link to the current competition document.
We will be posting the Seven City Brewer of the Year point criteria soon. So that members know how many points are associated with what type of event. You will find this on our Facebook page, the website, and in your email inbox soon.
The Lincolnton festival weekend is coming up soon, talk to Brian McCrickard for more detailed information to participate. He is planning on going for the weekend with the clubs tapboard and tent. Friday night is a bottle share party. Then Saturday is the big homebrew event. We are trying to fill up the tap board with 6 kegs. Let Brian know if you’d like to go to the festival, and/or if you’d like to donate a keg of your best homebrew to serve.
Remember that all members of the club can post content to either of our Facebook pages (Seven City Brewers page and the Barrel fill page). Share that knowledge or cool homebrew/beer stuff.
In House Competition:
Tonight's in house competition is Winter Warmer “Christmas Ale” – vote for your favorite.
Tasters Choice was how we scored.
The winner was Will Cline and he chose British Brown Ale as the next style. The Brown Ale competition will be held at our April 2024 club meeting. Get brewing!
NEXT MEETING - 08 February 2024 18:30 @ Thin Brew Line Brewing