Our Mission:
To share the joy of homebrewing; to help others improve their homebrewing skills; to share tasty brews; to participate in social brewing events; and to rescue the wayward Homebrewer.
Our Club:
The Seven City Brewers was initially founded in 2005 as BARF the Beer and Ale Research Foundation. Just like BARF our goal is to have and maintain a club of skilled homebrewers. We participate in local, regional, and national homebrew competitions. We typically have monthly meetings the second Thursday of every month where we share homebrew and discuss techniques and styles. Membership dues are $25 per person and per couple/household a year and includes member discounts at several local businesses. Membership expires December 31st of each calendar year. Members wishing to renewing their membership online can pay their dues via PayPal at 7CityBrewers@gmail.com
Request for new membership is by filling out the New Membership Application Form located in the Membership Page and paying the dues via PayPal.
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